
Product Designer, 2022-2023 for Master's thesis project at Northeastern University. Employed Design Thinking to design a mobile application called Growmore, which connects farmers with customers seeking fresh, organic, locally-grown produce.


Product Design


Figma, Adobe Creative Suite, Google Forms, Miro




Northeastern University (Master's Thesis Project)


Addressing the alarming food waste crisis

Recent studies indicate that in 2019, the U.S. wasted 80.6 million tons of surplus food across all sectors with a staggering 20.8%, approximately 17 million tons wasted produce on farms. Surplus food on farms is often a result of factors such as weather, transportation, labor, customer preferences, market conditions and the very nature of supermarkets ordering huge quantities of items coupled with beauty standards for produce.


Innovating the surplus food challenge

How might we develop a solution that addresses the issue of surplus food produced by farmers and simultaneously establishes a direct pathway for the local community to obtain freshly grown produce?


Introducing Growmore - an innovative solution to reduce food waste and provide consumers with fresh, locally grown produce

This mobile application serves as an online farmers market, allowing farmers to sell their surplus produce directly to customers in their local area. By connecting farmers with customers seeking fresh and organic vegetables at a lower cost, Growmore helps to eliminate waste and promote sustainability in the supply chain. With our platform, consumers can enjoy the benefits of locally grown produce, free of preservatives and other harmful additives.

My design process to solve the problem

Primary Research

Conducting Interviews

To enhance my primary research, I conducted four in-depth, face-to-face interviews aimed at comprehending the challenges encountered by local farmers who participate in the farmers' market to sell their produce directly to the consumers. Additionally, determine whether the local farmers are grappling with any surplus produce from the market. I recorded all the interviews in audio format for future reference.

Here is the link to the entire interview guide: Interview Guide

Critical Discoveries

I came across some significant findings that enhanced my comprehension of the farmers' motives, their produce, and their selling encounters with nearby customers. Notable observations from the market interviews comprised: -

Comprehending Insights Through Empathy Mapping

Online Survey

After gaining a general understanding of the pain points experienced by 50% of the stakeholders, I proceeded to focus on understanding the needs, shopping habits, and patterns of the remaining 50%. To gather quantitative data, I designed a survey that was distributed to local grocery shoppers in Boston. The responses provided valuable insights into the perspectives of users when it comes to purchasing groceries.

Here is the link to the entire survey guide: Survey Guide

Critical Discoveries

Based on the responses received from the survey, I was able to identify several key findings that provided me with a greater understanding of consumers' motivations, expectations, and preferences when shopping for groceries. Some noteworthy observations from the survey include:

Survey Results

The results revealed a promising trend of positive sentiment among consumers, presenting a compelling opportunity to create a solution that bridges the gap between local farmers and their potential customers.

Secondary Research

Key Facts Collected

I employed the use of key facts to gather additional information on several topics, including the amount of produce waste resulting from transportation, the reasons why individuals do not favor farmers markets, and the ways in which COVID-19 has impacted consumer purchasing habits.

Competitive Analysis

During my secondary research, I carried out a competitive analysis to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of existing competitors within the market. This analysis enabled me to identify potential areas for expansion and opportunities to enhance the value proposition for consumers. As a result, I was able to determine a distinctive selling point that would be appealing to consumers.

Creating User Personas

The subsequent phase involves scrutinizing the potential users of the problem. For this purpose, I opted to create two distinct personas - one representing a farmer, and the other a consumer.

Turn pain points into design opportunities

Crazy 8's

I came up with eight conceptual ideas, which varied in their level of creativity, to cater to the functional and non-functional requirements that I had identified through research. The aim of this exercise was to determine which ideas had the potential to enhance the overall user experience, while also fulfilling the greatest number of requirements.

The idea behind Growmore

Site Map

In an effort to provide users with a straightforward and uncomplicated navigation experience, I developed a Site Map that illustrates the content and organization of the Growmore application.

Task Flow

I crafted a task flow that identified the fundamental tasks that every user would need to execute in a consistent manner. This enabled me to gain a comprehensive understanding of the user journey, and to design a cohesive and intuitive interface that would facilitate the completion of these tasks.

User Flow Diagram

With task 1, 2, and 3 in mind, I created a user flow that presented three possible ways for users to navigate through Growmore. This allowed me to ensure that I had incorporated all the essential key frames required as I developed wireframes for my project.

Conceptualizing features into wireframes

Subsequently, I began constructing low-fidelity wireframes by hand using pen and paper. As the design evolved, I transitioned to utilizing Figma for both mid-fidelity and high-fidelity wireframes. Consistent with the iterative design process, I continued to refine and enhance the website's functionality and user experience at every stage of development.


Visual Style Guide

High Fidelity Prototype

Onboarding Screen

Once the Growmore application is launched, users are provided with the opportunity to input their zip code in order to discover farms in their vicinity. After successfully locating nearby farms, users are guided through a brief onboarding process consisting of three simple steps, which assist them in becoming more familiar with the application

Connecting with farmers

Through the application, users have the ability to locate farms that are situated in close proximity to them, and access detailed information about the produce and fruits that are being sold. This fosters a feeling of trust and connection that is akin to the experience of attending an in-person farmers market. Additionally, users are provided with the option of engaging in real-time chat with the farmers, thereby enabling them to pose any queries they may have.

Shop produce

Within the application, users have the opportunity to peruse and purchase a diverse array of produce, fruits, greens, and other goods. Upon selecting a particular item, users are able to access additional information about the produce, including tips for proper storage, details regarding the farm that is selling it, and a variety of recipe suggestions that utilize the item as an ingredient.

Recipe suggestions

The application provides users with numerous options in the form of top recipes curated by farmers, as well as various other categories that they may choose from. Upon selecting a particular recipe, the user is directed to a detailed page that offers comprehensive information regarding the recipe's instructions and ingredients, in addition to providing recommendations for other recipes that may be of interest.

Usability Testing and UX Improvements

As part of the UX case study, I conducted usability testing with 4 users to gain valuable feedback on the proposed design solution. The main objective of this testing was to concentrate on enhancing features that the users would actually use most. The participants were selected based on their relevance to the target audience and were asked to complete a series of tasks to evaluate the ease of use, navigation, and overall experience of the design. This usability testing allowed me to prioritize the most important features for our users, ultimately leading to a more effective and user-friendly design.

Task 1 : Adding a product to cart
Task 1 : Checking out recipes
Task 3 : Connecting with farmers

Reflections and lessons learned

Through this case study, I gained insight into the perspective of the users for whom I proposed a solution. The UX process involved identifying problems, establishing project goals and objectives, conducting user research, developing user personas, designing the structure and user flow, and ultimately arriving at the final design solution. This experience highlighted the application of user-centered design principles and methods to create a user experience that is both effective and satisfying. While the journey has been difficult, I have learned several valuable lessons, including:

  • Validating Assumptions : It is essential to validate assumptions to ensure that the proposed solution or features meet the users' requirements and expectations. This validation process helps prevent errors and ensures that our efforts are directed towards fulfilling genuine user needs rather than relying on assumptions.
  • Right Questions: To conduct effective UX research interviews, it is crucial to ask the appropriate questions. Asking biased or leading questions can impact participants' responses and potentially affect the accuracy of the data collected. By asking neutral and open-ended questions, researchers can prevent introducing biases and ensure the reliability of the data collected.
  • Importance of Consistency: Through the use of a standardized design system that establishes guidelines for typography, color, spacing, and layout, I gained an understanding of how consistency is a vital principle in UX design. Consistency fosters a sense of trust and allows users to navigate the interface more effectively, resulting in an enhanced user experience.
  • Iterative Process: In conclusion, I discovered that UX design is an iterative process that requires constant refinement based on findings and testing until the optimal outcome is achieved. Through this process, I was able to integrate feedback into my designs and make enhancements at each stage of the design process.

Other work

If you want to learn more about my work, or just want to grab some coffee, i'd love to chat
